RIP Brothers

13 April , 2013 About hundred plus people gathered opposite police headquarters , ITO in New Delhi . They had candles , pictures of martyrs of marriage and banners in hand . Who are these people and why are they here ? These people are normal law abiding citizens who are made criminal by one or more biased laws.
                                             They know what Manoj , Prashant and many more fighting with biased system must have gone through before ending their lives . All of them have experienced this at one or the other point of time . Some of them survived that time and some of them succumb . Those who succumb are not failures , they are martyrs , martyrs of marriage .
                                                                      Our procession started about 6.45 p.m. from police headquarters . People were of all age groups old , young , men , women ,children . People were full of emotions , some of them actually crying . Tears were paying homage to martyrs . Traffic was disrupted a bit by this procession . People were surprisingly looking at us because it is always about women in India . Nobody knew that 62000 married men die silent death every year and it is termed as farmer's suicide by top feminists . We were moving slowly in the traffic  showing play cards of harassed men . The procession stopped at police headquarters and Mr Swarup Sarkar addressed us all , a two minute silence was kept to pay homage to the departed souls.
                                                                           Police officials came to talk to us and we were given appointment by them to talk about the problem . It ended with  lots of positivity and a pledge that it will not be repeated in future . People dealing with falsehood should be given moral support ,  love and care .


  1. Nicely explained.We pray that no one end his life due to false cases in future.

    1. yes lets pray this should not happen to anyone.

  2. super jyoti. it was the same in bangalore while the candle light march.people who were a part of the march were emotional. the others who were watching were curious as to what was happening. we had around 6-8people from the crowd joining into the candle light march. when we marched into the police station the siff members had questions for the officers most of which the officers had no answers to. what will they answer how will they justify this gender discrimination,how will they have answers about the emotions and what happens when people lose thier loved ones because of the misuse of the law?these are questions that society has to answer,that law makers have to answer. hope we will be able to bring about a change in this system that treats men so differently. who is the law to stop a father from meeting the child, who are officers that they have the right to arrest the old mother and father just on the complaint of the daugther in law.who are these law makers and judges who believe only the wifes side of the story even though in their hearts they also know she is lying either for personal gains or just for plain and simple vengence. i hope we will get answers to these questions one day. till then we continue the fight against this unjust system.

  3. it was a good effort & firstever all india candle march for a man who ended his life due to threat of 498a case from his wife.Good job by all & nice blog.

  4. This candle march was a message to the society - "Abuse of men is not a social service"

  5. I am still astonished with the sort of inhuman stance those feminists have taken. They have completely forgotten humanity and that they are humans too and should have a humanitarian touch to another human. Rather they do-not consider a particular specie of humans to be humans. They do-not repent from making the Laws even more cruel and more ruthless in nature. Those feminists are not only females but then there are law makers in it who are males as well. Expecting such a stance from the females of NWC and other organizations like them is understood but then those law makers I am referring to are only males and not MEN I guess. They do-not behave like men, watching them speak in that manner makes me feel that they have huge profits / interests behind their decisions. Such people I feel do-not add to the composition of a society. Such Idiots only are interested in their personal interests and definitely they are social CRIMINALS. Real MEN never ever stand for injustice, may it be with any specie or any one. Such males with interests deserve a reward from us and that is a title " EUNUCH ". I swear to fight till my last breath.

    1. True there is a lots of money involved in it and that why so much power is given .


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