It was that time of the month when the thought of becoming man comes to the mind frequently. I was annoyed that in these periods I have to attend the meeting, “OH God, make me man for a day at least”, I murmured. God was in a good mood that day so the wish of an oppressed woman from ages was granted. To my surprise I was turned into the privileged married man. I was very happy that now I do not have to think about taking excuse in between the meeting to change pads or any awkward situation.
I came out of my apartment and thought of taking an auto rickshaw to reach metro station. I was waiting for an auto when I saw this cute little ten year old girl coming with her mother. I smiled at her and pulled her cheeks which I used to do every day. Her mother gave a weird look as if I did something grossly wrong. I realized I am a man today and I am not supposed to touch any girl. She again gave me an angry look which clearly said,” Don’t you dare touch my little girl again “.

“Well I am a man, the potential rapist today “ I muttered to myself. I reached metro station and rushed to catch the metro. I was in a hurry so my foot slipped on the stairs and I fell down. I was expecting help from people around, but to my surprise, not a single fellow came to help me. I heard giggling of a group of girls.I know they are making fun of me but I cannot turn around and react. I got up all by myself and caught metro. It was crowded as usual and I am not privileged today to get a ladies compartment or even separate seat. My laptop bag touched a woman’s bottoms and i had to give clarifications that it was not me it was my bag. “I have to be a bit more careful “, I thought. My wife messaged me that school fees and electricity bill is still not deposited and she cannot contribute as her sister’s wedding is approaching. She also asked me to come early to discuss something very important. “I cannot buy that home theater this month too “I was bit annoyed.

I reached office and as usual there was rush of completing the project within deadline. I saw one circular about certain guidelines given to men that how should they behave with the women counterparts at the office. I was reading the guidelines when one of women colleague patted on my back and said,” Hi handsome howdy “. “Aah no guidelines for her to behave decently “I thought. By afternoon I got another text from wife asking whether I am coming early or not. I told my Boss that I need to leave early he asked me promptly, “Why, you on periods?” I got his point that I have to be in office for some more hours. I got free at 8 p.m. it took me one hour to reach home.

It was almost 9.30 p.m. when I entered my house, my wife was mad at me, my kids were sleepy. The electricity bill and fees could not be deposited today again. It was a hard day that too being a privileged man. Being a man is so easy was such a stupid thought. I was so tired while returning from the office that I wanted a seat badly but could not ask “Was this privilege “? Cuddling a little girl can be so risky I realized it for the first time. She is like a daughter to me and I was unnecessarily judged. It is humiliating to get patted by that female colleague but when I discuss this with my male friends they think I am LUCKY. What kind of privilege is this?

We women are made to believe that certain natural phenomenon is oppression in spite of the fact that there are so many products and services available in the market to make our lives easy. Not only this people are ready to help us if we discuss but when I am a man nobody is even ready to even listen to my point of view. It is the mindset which makes one gender victim and other gender a culprit.  Gradually by all means people are made to believe that being a man is such a privilege and man does not have to face any struggle to lead a life. Even men who face such things do not realize it until they are left with no option.

What kind of life is this, nobody to pamper nobody to talk not a single hand to help I was thinking this and was desperately searching my sanitary napkin and asking God to make me woman again. 


  1. "I was waiting for an auto when I saw this cute little ten year old girl coming with her mother. I smiled at her and pulled her cheeks which I used to do every day. Her mother gave a weird look as if I did something grossly wrong. I realized I am a man today and I am not supposed to touch any girl. She again gave me an angry look which clearly said,” Don’t you dare touch my little girl again “."

    The men here in the supposedly enlightened US can't do that either without being viewed as a potential child molester. When I see children and especially little girls headed my way I give them plenty of space and make sure I don't get anywhere near them. It's sad too because I love children especially younger children.

  2. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on imagining living life in a man's shoes. This was extremely interesting and I wonder if other women ever imagine these things.

    1. Thank you Prentice I hope every woman realize this that being a man is a difficult job.

  3. Thanks for choosing to walk a mile in our shoes and for choosing to share your views.

  4. Thanks for choosing to walk a mile in our shoes and for choosing to share your views.

  5. Thanks for choosing to walk a mile in our shoes and for choosing to share your views.

  6. Just one point could also be added Jyoti. he had to pay the medical bill of his ailing elderly parents too as they were legally his dependent. Before going to office he had to start early as he had to meet his elderly mother who was in the hospital admitted.

  7. "Even men who face such things do not realize it until they are left with no option." - bitter true. Even after left with no option - 90% men do not realize this.

    Men believe that they are CEO of the company. He need to face and handle all the situations. He feel oppressed if he didn’t allowed to perform this.
    Women believe that they are workers. She is doing all the works in the company. She feel oppressed if she didn’t treat like president.

  8. Jyotiji, mashallah Aap ki is izzat afzai ka bahot meherbaan hun main aur laakho aadmi.. khuda kare ki ye koshish ek din rang layee

  9. Nice article ma'am. No one understands and you have given a good understanding of the situation. Truly men are left alone in this so called privileged world.


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