Pleasure Of Growing Up Gracefully

 We often see the news of suicides by glamorous women and we wonder what went wrong in their lives . We feel that their lives are some cindrella story then why these lives are wasted just like that ?
       What these women wanted which they don’t get ? Did you ever noticed the way girls are pampered in the family ? Parents of a girl will make a comfortable environment  around them . They will be given extra care , comfort , safety for being a girl child . Not only family , the government , the world around us is pampering them . She   lives her life like a princess and then she will start dreaming like a princess . She will think of a lavish lifestyle , designer outfits , expensive make up and beauty treatments . But life is not perfect  . People have to struggle hard , take up responsibilities to live . A girl is not used to all this . She will search a man to do all this for her . The man in her life has to pamper her because she is used to it . I read somewhere about a woman who committed suicide but people didn’t blame her husband  because he used to pamper her everyday , “ darling you are getting more beautiful day by day.”  And that she used to behave like a teenager in front of her husband .
     So, she will use this man for all her needs and comforts and if he is not able to do it she will blame him and leave him . She is free to chose another man while the last one will struggle with the guilty feeling of not being able to fulfill her requirements . Well , there is and end to this lifestyle . You cant fight ageing but these women try that too .  The cosmetics , treatments makes you look younger but inside you are no more young .
      The cosmetic treatments have their side effects too , you will not be able to cope up with small problems in life , you will get depressed . And then you take help of drugs to fight depression .  Your dreams shatters in seconds when you face a little problem . A woman living in dreamy world will not be able to accept the reality of wrinkles , less attention to her . Feminism didn’t teach her to accept the truth it, teaches them to fight with nature and then die in a cowardly manner . They are never taught to be happy with little bundle of joys . They are not taught to be happy with the imperfections , after all life is not perfect . They need attention and and in habit of getting pampered . When they do not get that , they get mad . And then people search a man to blame .
      A man lives a hard life to make life easy for others . He will not be able to say “ I love you ” daily or make you feel special every time you want . Marriage is not a Yash chopra movie  , honeymoon in Switzerland and Manish Malhotra clothes . There can be ups and downs and woman should learn to struggle through it .  Take  responsibilities of your actions and thoughts , do not blame others .
        It is alright to be imperfect, to be a little over weight , to have wrinkles . There is big difference between the age of 25 and the 35 or 45 . You cant act like a teenager in that age .  Woman should learn to live in reality , its o k to be ambitious  but there is pleasure in bringing up children , cooking or cleaning the house too . Little bundles of joy can make life beautiful . Its beautiful to get older gracefully , accept it .   


  1. some women just want to enjoy whole life like a little girl.. and when ups and down come they r d biggest cowards... they leave the situation and disappear to looking for a better Man never realising their mistakes..


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