It was a bright day when i entered the studio of a news channel . There was still time left for the live discussion . We were waiting in guest room , the coordinator introduced me with the feminist who was a part of the discussion . All these feminists have this same arrogant look on their face. This woman was a part of a very reputed national political party which always talk about "Indian culture ".
         I could notice that this woman was wearing  expensive designer clothes and was continuously talking about her love for such clothes. Iam a kind of person who doesn't think much about clothes and she was a typical woman who was brand conscious . Her clothes , make up , hair ,shoes were all perfect . She told me she has a hair dresser . I noticed her manicured hands when she was speaking with gestures with the use of her hands . Then i noticed mine who were dry because of washing clothes before coming to the studio.
  In conversation i told the coordinator that i have to rush to small family gathering after this discussion  . This feminist asked me where i was going i told her the name of a famous Chinese restaurant which my son selected to go for dinner . I said its all about kids they drive our lives . She had a strong objection on that after all she was the empowered woman , she said you should have your own choices too Jyoti . I said," yeah so this is my choice to be happy with my son's choice what is the problem with that . " she  did not understand and kept on arguing how women are made to chose what others chose for them . I laughed on this , i said you will not understand what beautiful feeling it is when a nine year old says " Maa lets have dinner to this particular place today ." She was quiet on this .
            The discussion was as usual one sided because these feminists does not have anything new to say . And you know that you have won the argument when the frustrated feminist tells you " oh come on Jyoti be a female. " 
         After this discussion when we again came to the guest room , this feminist asked whether i use watsapp . She had a doubt that a woman like me who does all the household chores , goes according to her family uses technology or not . I cleared all her doubts that in spite of being a mother and homemaker, i am very much connected to the world . "That means you are bold " she said , i smiled on this . She took my number and searched me on watsapp .  I was chatting with my husband to tell him about the debate . Suddenly, i noticed that this woman is sending me  porn videos and pictures . I was shocked and did not know how to react . She was sending and i was deleting . The "chaiwala " was there so i was quiet , when this "chaiwala" left i asked this woman to stop . She said what happened , i said," listen dear my definition of being bold is different from yours ". I was angry and felt humiliated . I thought if there was a man in place of her he would have been a criminal . Because she is a woman she is allowed to do whatever she wants . And there is no punishment for her . Remember she is part of the political party who cries "bhartiya sanskriti " all the time .
                When i say women who support women blindly are actually frustrated ones , it raised so many eye brows , this woman was a perfect example . She was in early forties has a twenty year old daughter. I have participated in so many media discussions with men . In spite of being feminist they were all humble and polite, no man ever took my phone number . Women were always drama queens and this one was scary , i wanted to run away from there . I asked coordinator to call the cab and left the place . It was time to have some Chinese with my kiddoes , my kind of "Happiness ."


  1. You talk abut feminists as if its a slang. Madam do you even know the meaning of the word? You judge a woman on the clothes she wears, the make up she puts on, What is the problem if a woman wants to wear branded clothes and look good. Your views bout women are so pathetic and myopic that I am pretty sure you are actually a man just using a female name to operate this account. Your blogs disgusted me especially the one on Draupadi. I hope you dont have a daughter as your kid otherwise you will force her to wear salwaar kurta all her life and prevent her from having any opinion or choice about her life because of your hatred for feminists.People like you must be ashamed of yourself.

    1. Iam so sorry to say that iam a woman and i have a lovely daughter who is free to do whatever she wants and yes if my blogs disturbed u then lady let me remind you truth is bitter !

    2. Ashamed of what Ms. Das. havinga thought process which is off league n unique is never shameful. I am sorry if u carry a mindset as all other feMinists carry. I agree with jyoti that truth is bitter. good luck.

    3. मैडम जी तोहरा के मुबारकबाद! सब ता तूं हे जानत बाड़ू! हम सब ता बेकूफ बानी!

    4. There is really no problem if a woman wear branded clothes
      and looks good. But here the problem is prominently different which is
      "Truth is bitter". Jyoti is a proud mother and It might be feminism which
      has problem to accept the truth from a lady, so better mark her as Man.
      Is not Humanism Enough ?

    5. हीहीही का बात करत हौ तुमहू तौ सब जानत हौ भैया ( मेरी भाषा अवधी है )

    6. Your views bout women are so pathetic and myopic that I am pretty sure you are actually a man just using a female name to operate this account
      Neha.. Have you even done some googling? She appears on TV. Do you know of any man passing off as a woman who has appeared on TV? LOL

      BTW The MOST popular WESTERN Anti-Feminist person on YouTube is a woman called Karen S (aka GirlWritesWhat). When she was ONLY blogging, Feminists used to say that its actually a man behind the scenes. So she started doing videos on YouTube.
      See for yourself.
      I am girlwriteswhat

    7. Ms. Neha, what is with women like you? When and where did Jyoti speak against the use of nail polish or branded clothes?

      She just pointed out that this particular woman was vain, in that she continuously spoke of her brands and a hair dresser etc.
      A blonde bimbo would be a better suited name for her but Jyoyi was being nice.

      What are u so upset about? The fact that Jyoti's hands were rough n dry because she had just washed clothes? Or that she got repulsed by the porn the other lady send her? Or the fact that Jyoti wanted to go to resto of her child's choice?

      Out of all the things she pointed out you chose to read only "branded clothes, manicure" .. shows on the contrary how myopic you are Neha.

      Would you give me a total stranger your number and appreciate me sending you porn over the phone? What is it that itches you that you have to defend this vain , rude, obnoxious woman?? The fact that you are one yourself??

      Take your frustrations elsewhere miss "Omg my nail just broke".

    8. Neha Dasji Namaste! (I am not sure if the profile is authentic); Anyway the point is that - 'Born out of Femilitancy - The Wife centric laws trap innocent mothers and sisters of an innocent husband. So please get used to such Commandos who would topple feminism from its roots.'

      Truth will triumph!!!!

    9. @ Neha: Feminists like you say branded clothes and at the same time talk about culture. I don't think you have spoken like this if you have read great epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata. In fact women have been respected earlier because of their behavior. The power of feminism is that it can soften anything in this world. That is the true feminism. The fight starts when a female becomes a male, have ego issues and lack of self-belongingness. Please don't set a wrong example in the name of feminism. What we are witnessing in this society can only be removed when we come out shell and accept and respect opposite sex and try to adapt to others world. Remember the more we get inclined to the opposite sex, the more beautiful this world will be. Ardhanarshiwara is typical example on this aspect from tantra which is very ancient. Remember: Your maps are not your territory.

    10. Neha - This is for you -

      To know feminists you need to read this..Best of luck

    11. Yes, neha, we know the meaning of the word feminist. You are right, it is not a slang. Its something much worse than that. What comes to your mind when a lobby is behind sending millions of families, including old men and women, sisters and kids behind bars after ruining them and all because they have not committed any crime except that their male relative got married or had a relationship or had a clash with a lady? What comes to your mind when inhuman laws are being drafted to send one section of society into perpetual slavery? What comes to your mind when millions of men have committed suicide and their side of the story was never heard of? What comes to your mind when gender apartheid is followed on the pretext that one particular certain members of a gender are supposedly harassing members of another gender? These are just a few examples. To me, the first thought that comes to my mind is feminism. Its a male-hating 20th-21st century movement of sick women and men who seek destruction of family, men and marriage system. They seek a world where women rule and men are their slave-dogs. Sorry, I would revolt against this system.

    12. @498avictim, it is evident that feminism is a man-hating movement. So, they cannot accept that women can point out the faults of other women. So they twist it and make it as though men are against women. So feminism is a separatist movement by some women. They want gender disharmony and social unrest to prevail so that they laugh their way to the bank!

    13. @Astrokid NJ, Neha has to eat her own words. Feminist indoctrination is all that I can say. No woman would point out the mistakes of sisterhood, it seems to suggest. And if anybody does, it should be a man. Feminism is separatism and negativism.

    14. @Mathew, as per feminists and the present feminist-society that we live in, even a remote, indirect and mild criticism of women and their behaviour gets a person labelled as a caveman and a backward, misogynist criminal. But then, feminists and women can freely call us dogs, slaves and rapists. We are supposed to keep mum. Double standards

    15. @IndianHusbands, yes feminists are unable to stomach the fact that many men are exposing its fraud.

    16. Okay, seems like you found objection cause of the perceived "disussion on clothes". But the article Jyotiji wrote was not about clothes dear, it is about "Double Standards" as employed by the feminists, it is about claiming victim hood when one has everything that life has to offer "designer clothes" is just one example, it is about claiming sexual exploitation when you yourself are a big exploiter. It is about a phenomenon completely based on hypocrisy called ******ism

  2. absolutely correct sanjay btw, loved the name wandering light :)

  3. Ok! So femilitants do enjoy Porn!

    Seems its just that they are jealous when Men Enjoy them too.

    Now.... That's Mis-andry!!!! :D

  4. SUPERB WRITING ! but what made it perfect is the experience that u got from that feminist.These feminists never talk about themselves but always takes shelter under the generalized old word "abla bhartiya nari" . They are biggest exploiter of Indian women and denting & damaging irreparably to the womanhood. They are not even WOMAN but simply " GREEDY & GRABBY HUMAN FEMALES".

  5. Feminism is a movement of anti-social, elite women supported by western capitalists, bankers and corporations to meet an agenda of a new world order with a social order that is completely destroyed, male-female relations being spoiled and in conflict, family system non-existent and what better way to do than to empower women by telling them how victimised they are and how men are evil and how holy women are!!!! What better way to destroy gender relations than to make women fight the men than support them. You referred to patriarchy. Please know that its a feminist term and not something that existed ever.

  6. JyotiJi,

    You must not have deleted the porn videos from your phone, It would have been a good proof against these feminists. And I think when it comes to one-liners your's are fast becoming the best, "listen dear my definition of being bold is different from yours"

    I think the problem with these feminists most certainly is that they are mostly frustrated, probably they did not get enough attention during their growing years and it only for the attention sake they became feminists


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