My entry gave her an uncomfortable feeling , i was late but truth makes a mark.
ON SHOOT : Marital rape is not needed i said because it is already covered in domestic violence , she deined it .  I said DV act sec3(ii) Covers it all. My question who will decide who raped whom in a closed bedroom , she said court . My answer bedroom will be taken into court then where will the institution of marriage go , no answer. She is not botherd about marriage .
      She says so many women die every year my answer more than 60,000 married men commit suicide , she says iam talking about farmers suicides !!!!
She says there are very less cases of misuse , my answer 98% are false .
OFF SHOOT : She said my data of male suicide is wrong , i said i got this data from NCRB , she says it is not relaible . I asked her politely what you bring is reliable and whatever i bring is unreliable , no answer. She says you know women like you ( she didnt know that she is talking to an MRA) are burnt for dowry i said its a big lie spread by you people. There is no bride burning . Then she said in frustration see every year dowry harassment is increasing , i took her on this i said madam a few minutes back you said because of 498a there are less cases now .
                   She said there is decision where it is said there will be no arrest in 498a  , i said the decision is not followed . Arrests are happening everywhere including men, women , children and madam when police is at your place you are already a criminal in eyes of society , no answer to this . She woman like you (again she reminded me that iam a woman ) are getting property rights in father's property because of us . She said " Go and ask your brother for property , he will not give you "
My Answer " My brother gave me everything , he gave his life too and by the way why do you want me to fight with my brother , husband , father , son ?"  A big silence of everyone .
 Tea was over so were her tricks , last trick she played" come to my office i will show you some real cases , if you are convinced it is o k or i will be convinced by you ."
My answer come to our meeting "i ll show you some real cases too and iam very sure you will cry with men. " Her answer was a fake smile . 
 Feminism runs on lies , destroying family harmony , gender war . Their   buisness runs when a husband- wife fight , brother- sister fight , mother- son fight .   I won the discussion because all the employees were standing with me asking for SIFF helpline numbers . I said it in the beginning you cant beat truth .


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  3. Wow.. great reply to feminists.Thank you very much for exposing their lies sister.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Feminists are paying the price for the collateral damage that they are responsible for.

  6. Feminists and their ilk have no concern for society, womanhood or well-being of anyone. They openly say they are against motherhood of women. Kudos to Jyoti for pushing through the truth courageously. When countered with facts, they are bound to be silenced.

  7. Aapko sunkar ek din Logo ko ye kehna hi padega ki "Agle janam mohe Bitiya hi Kijo...!"

    This is Real face of Respected & Empowered Indian women who has powers to fight for any "Unbiased Justice".

    1. Ashu well said we need married women and sister like Jyoti Tiwari to fight anti family elements like ranjana kumari !!

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  9. Excellent Point of View specially regarding the Suicides of Married Men which is twice that of Married Women because of Legal Terrorism by certain Vicious Women! One point to my Mind- Grievous Sexual Assault against Boys and Men by Certain Women is Extremely common than Rape! Although Kumari was trying to interrupt you, You made certain Excellent Points! Wishing you the very best in All further Interviews and Debates! Cheers to your Dedication and Sincerity to the cause of True Family Welfare.

    1. Atleast we shoudl have account for logging our complaints !! All suicides are claimed to be of farmers so as a social reformer ...what ranjana is supposed to do ... stop the suicides or tell them the farmer suicide....the major reasons of suicide of men is economic violence and it it mostly perpetrated by Indian Women using gender biased law !!

  10. Bait is to Entrap Someone with the glitter of Temptation,

    Verma has provided enough and more Glittering Baits to Women to make False Allegations Against Men.There is No Such Beautiful Life Ever-after after Making a False Accusation or Implication.

    What we do not recognise is that when someone is falsely implicated accused or sentenced, It invokes the carnal instinct of revenge which is enacted out usually according to statistics 3 times more gruesomely against the Oppressor by themselves, family, relatives, friends against the false accuser Immediately or in Future. There are cases where Revenge is Exacted after Many Years.

    Even more serious is when people know that when something terribly Unfair is meeted out to them they CURSE in the Distressed Emotions of Falsely being implicated and Believe me with thousands of Examples Curses Work just like Prayers do, You will find the Person who Falsely Implicated Someone to be Rotting either by Diseases, Accidents, Terrible Fights etc which is 10 times more Grave than the Punishment meeted out by the False Accuser against the Victim.

    Now Verma has provided the Glittering Bait of Veiling False Accusations to Thousands of Women who would Bite it to their Own Turmoil for Years to come.
    We Women should be at the Forefront AGAINST the Recommendations made by Verma and his Feminist Team because it will only serve to Increase Violence Against Us Women Exponentially. The Power of Change is in our Hands. Effective Gender Neutral Laws are the Only Answer.

  11. The policy of this feminist is divide and rule, But they forget
    that when injustice becomes law resistance becomes duty

  12. Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .... and wel said Ashu!

  13. Your debating skills, impromptu answers were very good. If more women like you come forward, Ranjana and others have reasons to worry

  14. Jhakaas Jyoti di.. finally I saw the video online. yiur entry changed the dynamics of discussion..
    Virender Singh

    1. o k finally u saw n thanks for encouraging words!

  15. You have done a great job Jyoti.. congratulations.. Just one thing.. we cant say that lady as feminist..because she doesnt has any sympathy for ailing and old mother in-laws or married/unmarried sisters.

    1. you are right for them women means wife only !

  16. If this gender war ends..NCW ka dana pani khatam...and thats the reason they want more and more women implicate men in cases.

  17. UPA Govt is disrupting the INDIAN Culture by bringing more and more biased laws , which is in near future will collapse the sacred institution of marriage as already we can witness lot of divorce cases have increased , the fact is that if you visit any court either it is a civil court or criminal court more than 70-75% cases are of family cases of divorce, 498a, Domestic Voilence, now marital rape and out of this 75% cases 72% cases are false.

    Indian Youth have to wake up and fight against this gender biased laws as it already too late.

    Even Shri Rahul Gandhi ji is afraid to get married as he is afraid if so he marry and if he get entangled in a false 498a or false dowry or false marital rape case his career and his family will be lost, To safe guard his family he is not getting married .

    Even Honorable Supreme Court Of Indian has termed misuse of sec IPC 498a as "LEGAL TERRORISM"

    Let's fight against this gender biased laws .

    SIF is a movement which promotes, associates with formation of various NGOs, which intend to work for Men's welfare and strongly believe in replacing the word Men/Women by Person and Husband/Wife by Spouse in any Government law/policy. No single NGO can claim SIF as a movement of their own. Whosoever believes in SIF ideology is part of this movement. We fight against NGOs/feminists/authorities who support jailing of old/sick/minor/innocent people without investigations under section 498a.


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