The movement is about ten years old now. People know about the misuse of laws, the bias towards women. Political parties know about the men's rights movement, about the misuse of laws, then what is the reason for no change? Lets have a look at that. We all know what is Section 498A and in spite of any training and lectures we develop our own ways of fighting it. But we are not able to get rid of 498A from our lives, we remain with it mentally, emotionally. This is a general feeling in men "I am a victim but other man's case is genuine ", we judge men around us "कुछ तो किया होगा ". It is disturbing to see some self styled Men's Rights Activists (MRAs) bringing back their 498A wives and some marrying 498A women, also dating 498A women. More disturbing is to see them still part of the movement. Nobody showed them EXIT from the movement. If we are running a movement for men and their welfare then any kind of support to such unscrupulous women should b...