
Showing posts from March, 2013

To whom it may concern

My Dear Legal Terrorist ,                                            Today i would like to thank you for many things . You came in my life like an innocent human being , i never had any doubt about your intentions . Everybody praised you for being humble and polite . Everyone compared me with you , how loud iam and how polite you are .  So, thank you for breaking this notion that a woman who is soft spoken is good .                                      You were in love and that too, so much that cared more than us . A cut in his finger was painful for you , a 99 degree fever was a big issue for you . Thank you for making  me  realise that love can vanish overnight . Because death was not at all painful for you . You were such a good actor . Your acting made us feel that you were actually victim . Thank you for making me realise that acting can make innocent people criminal overnight .                                                               You made small issues big overnight

अगर संजय को माफ़ी मिलती है तो ..................

बहुत से तर्क दिए गए हैं उनको बचाने के लिए . पहला तर्क यह की वो समझदार नहीं थे . यदि तेंतीस की आयु में कोई समझदार न हो तो क्या  किया जाये . इतना नासमझ की उसे यह न समझ आये की जिससे वो मिलने जा रहा है वो आतंकवादी हैं . इतना नासमझ की AK 56 को खिलौना समझ ले और घर में रख ले. येही नहीं उसके पास हैण्ड ग्रेनेड़ निकलें , इतना नासमझ वो भी 33 की आयु में .                                                    दूसरा तर्क यह की उनको अपनी सुरक्षा का डर था . वो कोई आम आदमी तो है नहीं उनके एक इशारे पर न जाने कितनी सुरक्षा उपलब्ध हो जाती .  यह तर्क भी कुछ हजम नहीं हुआ .  फिर भी हर तरफ उनको माफ़ी देने का  शोर है .  सबको  सहानुभूति है उनसे , वो बिचारा बन चुके है।                                                     तो फिर हमने क्या किया है   दहेज़ लेने का इलज़ाम ही तो है , घरेलू हिंसा का भी  सिर्फ  आरोप भर है . जिसने आरोप लगाया वो बिलकुल  ठीक ठाक है . इस इलज़ाम  लगने से कहीं कोई बम धमाका नहीं हुआ न ही लोग  मारे गए तो क्यों  न   हम सबको  सामूहिक रूप  से माफ़ कर दिया जाये . हम पर भी  जब आरोंप लगा तो हम सब भी  नासम


Today's newspapaer reports a gang rape in patiala house court premises . Woman says she is gang raped by husband , lawyer and husband's friends . I wonder how every rape is gang rape now and that too on court premises hard to believe . But newspaper made it front page story because gang rape sells now. The burden of proof is obviously on man and when he is prooved innocent what about his dignity ? A few days back a man asked to return his dignity from court but a man does not have dignity in this country .                                  Whenever we debate on biased laws we are told not to cite any single example . Here we see a whole new amendment is made on one single incident . A few days ago a man committed suicide because of false allegations of rape on him (Indore ). But no how does it matter to all you so called women activists ? Next time again you will say where is the misuse ? All laws are misused so what if 498a is the most misused one. It is difficult to wake up